Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Shopping - Electrical Shop Muttrah Souk

Went to Mattrah Souk to buy a 3-way 13amp adaptor. 

Ran the gauntlet of souk stall holders looking for a suitable outlet. Several dozen stilted conversations along the lines of: "No thanks I do not want a pashmina, and, yes it is lovely and probably a very good price, and no I don't want any frankinsence, even if it is best quality and a very good price"  Repeat for dish dasha, hat, cermonial daggers, powder horns, and, and, and...

Finally find an electrical shop which is being studiously ignored by a local stall holder, presumably miffed at not sellling me a pashnia, frankinsence, dish dasha, hat  etc etc

This is looking promising

The shop is presided over by Ali Bin Ahmed, who seems to be able to reach any item of stock without leaving his seat...

which includes a 13amp adaptor. 

To fullly appreciate the wonders within check this out.
(You will have to sign in, but it is worth it - and once you are in you can make your own Photosynths...)

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